QO Group

Tilman Esslinger
▾ Administration
▾ Engineering
▾ Lattice Team
▾ Cavity Team
▾ Lithium Team
▾ Impact Team

Justyna Stefaniak

ETH Zürich
Institute for Quantum Electronics
Quantum Optics Group
Otto Stern Weg 1, HPF D18
8093 Zürich

Tel.: +41 44 63-34609

Email: jstefaniak@phys.ethz.ch

PhD student in the Impact Team

Research Interest

Quantum many-body systems, critical phenomena and of course all these cavity things.

Short CV

since 06/2022: PhD student in Tilman Esslinger's group at ETH Zürich
09/2019 - 03/2022: Master (Physics), ETH Zürich
09/2016 - 09/2019: Bachelor (Physics), Jagiellonian University in Krakow


1 A Python GPU-accelerated solver for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and applications to many-body cavity QED
Fioroni, Lorenzo; Gravina, Luca; Stefaniak, Justyna; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Finger, Fabian; Dreon, Davide; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
SciPost Physics Codebases, , 38 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
2 Chaotic phase of driven ultracold atoms in an optical cavity
Stefaniak, Justyna;
, , (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link


Representations of the Influence Functional Matrix and possible extensions
Titus Neupert group, University of Zürich
Master thesis

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