Quantum Optics Group Virtual Library


1 Dark state transport between unitary Fermi superfluids
Mohsen Talebi; Simon Wili; Jeffrey Mohan; Philipp Fabritius; Meng-Zi Huang; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2406.03104 (2024)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
2 Universal entropy transport far from equilibrium across the BCS-BEC crossover
Jeffrey Mohan; Philipp Fabritius; Mohsen Talebi; Simon Wili; Meng-Zi Huang; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2403.17838 (2024)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
3 Interaction-induced charge pumping in a topological many-body system
Konrad Viebahn; Anne-Sophie Walter; Eric Bertok; Zijie Zhu; Marius Gächter; Armando A. Aligia; Fabian Heidrich-Meisner; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2308.03756 (2023)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
4 Reversal of quantised Hall drifts at non-interacting and interacting topological boundaries
Zijie Zhu; Marius Gächter; Anne-Sophie Walter; Konrad Viebahn; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2301.03583 (2023)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Science (open access link): 🔗 link
5 Dark State Transport between Unitary Fermi Superfluids
Talebi, Mohsen; Will, Simon; Mohan, Jeffrey; Fabritius, Philipp; Huang, Meng-Zi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 133, 223403 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
6 Irreversible entropy transport enhanced by fermionic superfluidity
Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Talebi, Mohsen; Wili, Simon; Zwerger, Wilhelm; Huang, Meng-Zi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 20, 1091 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
7 Reversal of quantized Hall drifts at noninteracting and interacting topological boundaries
Zhu, Zijie; Gächter, Marius; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 384, 317 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
8 Interactions Enable Thouless Pumping in a Nonsliding Lattice
Viebahn, Konrad; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Bertok, Eric; Zhu, Zijie; Gächter, Marius; Aligia, Armando A.; Heidrich-Meisner Fabian; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 14, 021049 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
9 Spin- and Momentum-Correlated Atom Pairs Mediated by Photon Exchange and Seeded by Vacuum Fluctuations
Finger, Fabian; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Reiter, Nicola; Christodoulou, Panagiotis; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 132, 093402 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
10 Quantization and its breakdown in a Hubbard–Thouless pump
Walter, Anne-Sophie; Zhu, Zijie; Gächter, Marius; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Roschinski, Stephan; Sandholzer, Kilian; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 9, 1471 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
11 Quantum Fluctuation Dynamics of Dispersive Superradiant Pulses in a Hybrid Light-Matter System
Stitely, Kevin C.; Finger, Fabian; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Ferri, Francesco; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman; Parkins, Scott; Krauskopf, Bernd;
Physical Review Letters, 131, 143604 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
12 Superfluid Signatures in a Dissipative Quantum Point Contact
Huang, Meng-Zi; Mohan, Jeffrey; Visuri, Anne-Maria; Fabritius, Philipp; Talebi, Mohsen; Wili, Simon; Uchino, Shun; Giamarchi, Thierry; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 130, 200404 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
13 An accordion superlattice for controlling atom separation in optical potentials
Wili, Simon; Esslinger, Tilman; Viebahn, Konrad;
New Journal of Physics, 25, 033037 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
14 FPGA-based real-time laser beam profiling and stabilization system for quantum simulation applications
Marti, Stefano; Mustafa, Enis; Bisson, Giacomo; Anand, Pratyush; Fabritius, Philipp; Esslinger, Tilman; Akin, Abdulkadir;
, , 8 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
15 Laser Frequency Stabilization using a Prescaler and a High-Resolution Frequency to Voltage Converter
Liu, Yu; Frank, Alexander; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias; Akin, Abdulkadir;
, , 367 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
16 Phases, instabilities and excitations in a two-component lattice model with photon-mediated interactions
Carl, Leon; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Huber, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman; Dogra, Nishant; Dubcek, Tena;
Physical Review Research, 5, L032003 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
17 DC transport in a dissipative superconducting quantum point contact
Visuri, Anne-Maria; Mohan, Jeffrey; Uchino, Shun; Huang, Meng-Zi; Esslinger, Tilman; Giamarchi, Thierry;
Physical Review Research, 5, 033095 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
18 Self-oscillating pump in a topological dissipative atom–cavity system
Dreon, Davide; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Li, Xiangliang; Hertlein, Simon; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Nature, 608, 494 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
19 Topological Pumping in a Floquet-Bloch Band
Minguzzi, Joaquín; Zhu, Zijie; Sandholzer, Kilian; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 129, 053201 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
20 Dissipation-Engineered Family of Nearly Dark States in Many-Body Cavity-Atom Systems
Lin, Rui; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Ferri, Francesco; Finger, Fabian; Kroeger, Katrin; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman; Chitra, Ramasubramanian;
Physical Review Letters, 128, 153601 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
21 Observing dynamical currents in a non-Hermitian momentum lattice
Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Ferri, Francesco; Finger, Fabian; Dogra, Nishant; Kroeger, Katrin; Lin, Rui; Chitra, R.; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 128, 143602 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
22 Floquet engineering of individual band gaps in an optical lattice using a two-tone drive
Sandholzer, Kilian; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Zhu, Zijie; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Research, 4, 013056 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
23 Emerging Dissipative Phases in a Superradiant Quantum Gas with Tunable Decay
Ferri, Francesco; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Finger, Fabian; Dogra, Nishant; Soriente, Matteo; Zilberberg, Oded; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 11, 041046 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
24 Erratum: Quantized conductance through a dissipative atomic point contact [Phys. Rev. A 100, 053605 (2019)]
Corman, Laura; Fabritius, Philipp; Häusler, Samuel; Mohan, Jeffrey; Dogra, Lena H.; Husmann, Dominik; Lebrat, Martin; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 103, 059902 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
25 Interaction-Assisted Reversal of Thermopower with Ultracold Atoms
Häusler, Samuel; Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Lebrat, Martin; Corman, Laura; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 11, 021034 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
26 Flat-band transport and Josephson effect through a finite-size sawtooth lattice
Pyykkönen, Ville A. J.; Peotta, Sebastiano; Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Esslinger, Tilman; Törmä, Päivi;
Physical Review B, 103, 144519 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
27 First order phase transition between two centro-symmetric superradiant crystals
Li, Xiangliang; Dreon, Davide; Zupancic, Philip; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Morales, Andrea; Zheng, Wei; Cooper, Nigel R.; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Research, 3, L012024 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
28 Flat band transport and Josephson effect through a finite-size sawtooth lattice
Pyykkönen, Ville A.J.; Peotta, Sebastiano; Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Esslinger, Tilman; Törmä, Päivi;
arXiv, , 2101.04460 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
29 Suppressing Dissipation in a Floquet-Hubbard System
Viebahn, Konrad; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Sandholzer, Kilian; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Sajnani, Manish; Görg, Frederik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 11, 011057 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
30 A low-noise and scalable FPGA-based analog signal generator for quantum gas experiments
Pahl, David; Pahl, Lukas; Mustafa, Enis; Liu, Zhenning; Fabritius, Philipp; Clements, Peter; Akin, Abdulkadir; Mohan, Jeffrey; Esslinger, Tilman;
, , 450 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
31 Erratum: Formation of a Spin Texture in a Quantum Gas Coupled to a Cavity [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 223602 (2018)]
Landini, Manuele; Dogra, Nishant; Kröger, Katrin; Hruby, Lorenz; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 125, 069901 (2020)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
32 Continuous feedback on a quantum gas coupled to an optical cavity
Kroeger, Katrin; Dogra, Nishant; Rosa-Medina, Rodrigo; Paluch, Marcin; Ferri, Francesco; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
New Journal of Physics, 22, 033020 (2020)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
33 Dissipation-induced structural instability and chiral dynamics in a quantum gas
Dogra, Nishant; Landini, Manuele; Kröger, Katrin; Hruby, Lorenz; Donner, Tobias; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 366, 1496 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
34 P-Band Induced Self-Organization and Dynamics with Repulsively Driven Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Cavity
Zupancic, Philip; Dreon, Davide; Li, Xiangliang; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Morales, Andrea; Zheng, Wei; Cooper, Nigel R.; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Physical Review Letters, 123, 233601 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
35 Quantum Simulation Meets Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: Exploring the Periodically Driven, Strongly Correlated Fermi-Hubbard Model
Sandholzer, Kilian; Murakami, Yuta; Görg, Frederik; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Eckstein, Martin; Werner, Philipp; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 123, 193602 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
36 Quantized Conductance through a Spin-Selective Atomic Point Contact
Lebrat, Martin; Häusler, Samuel; Fabritius, Philipp; Husmann, Dominik; Corman, Laura; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 123, 193605 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
37 Quantized conductance through a dissipative atomic point contact
Corman, Laura; Fabritius, Philipp; Häusler, Samuel; Mohan, Jeffrey; Dogra, Lena H.; Husmann, Dominik; Lebrat, Martin; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 100, 053605 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
38 Realization of density-dependent Peierls phases to engineer quantized gauge fields coupled to ultracold matter
Görg, Frederik; Sandholzer, Kilian; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Desbuquois, Rémi; Messer, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 15, 1161 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
39 Quantized Hall Conductance of a Single Atomic Wire: A Proposal Based on Synthetic Dimensions
Salerno, Grazia; Price, Hannah M.; Lebrat, Martin; Häusler, Samuel; Esslinger, Tilman; Corman, Laura; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Goldman, Nathan;
Physical Review X, 9, 041001 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
40 Two-mode Dicke model from nondegenerate polarization modes
Morales, Andrea; Dreon, Davide; Li, Xiangliang; Baumgartner, Alexander; Zupancic, Philip; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 100, 013816 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
41 Floquet Dynamics in Driven Fermi-Hubbard Systems
Messer, Michael; Sandholzer, Kilian; Görg, Frederik; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 121, 233603 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
42 Breakdown of the Wiedemann–Franz law in a unitary Fermi gas
Husmann, Dominik; Lebrat, Martin; Häusler, Samuel; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Corman, Laura; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 8563 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
43 Coupling two order parameters in a quantum gas
Morales, Andrea; Zupancic, Philip; Léonard, Julian; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Nature Materials, 17, 686 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
44 Formation of a Spin Texture in a Quantum Gas Coupled to a Cavity
Landini, Manuele; Dogra, Nishant; Kröger, Katrin; Hruby, Lorenz; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 120, 223602 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
45 Metastability and avalanche dynamics in strongly correlated gases with long-range interactions
Hruby, Lorenz; Dogra, Nishant; Landini, Manuele; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 3279 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
46 Enhancement and sign change of magnetic correlations in a driven quantum many-body system
Görg, Frederik; Messer, Michael; Sandholzer, Kilian; Jotzu, Gregor; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 553, 481 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
47 Band and Correlated Insulators of Cold Fermions in a Mesoscopic Lattice
Lebrat, Martin; Grišins, Pjotrs; Husmann, Dominik; Häusler, Samuel; Corman, Laura; Giamarchi, Thierry; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 8, 011053 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
48 Monitoring and manipulating Higgs and Goldstone modes in a supersolid quantum gas
Léonard, Julian; Morales, Andrea; Zupancic, Philip; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 358, 1415 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
49 Controlling the Floquet state population and observing micromotion in a periodically driven two-body quantum system
Desbuquois, Rémi; Messer, Michael; Görg, Frederik; Sandholzer, Kilian; Jotzu, Gregor; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 96, 053602 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
50 Two-Terminal Transport Measurements with Cold Atoms
Krinner, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman; Brantut, Jean-Philippe;
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 343003 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
51 Scanning Gate Microscope for Cold Atomic Gases
Häusler, Samuel; Nakajima, Shuta; Lebrat, Martin; Husmann, Dominik; Krinner, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman; Brantut, Jean-Philippe;
Physical Review Letters, 119, 030403 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
52 Supersolid formation in a quantum gas breaking a continuous translational symmetry
Léonard, Julian; Morales, Andrea; Zupancic, Philip; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Nature, 543, 87 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
53 Anomalous Conductances in an Ultracold Quantum Wire
Kanász-Nagy, Márton; Glazman, Leonid; Esslinger, Tilman; Demler, Eugene;
Physical Review Letters, 117, 255302 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
54 "Enlightening the World with the Laser"-Honoring T. W. Hansch
Esslinger, Tilman; Picque, Nathalie; Udem, Thomas;
Applied Physics B, 122, 283 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
55 Creating topological interfaces and detecting chiral edge modes in a two-dimensional optical lattice
Goldman, Nathan; Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Görg, Frederik; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 94, 043611 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
56 Mapping out spin and particle conductances in a quantum point contact
Krinner, Sebastian; Lebrat, Martin; Husmann, Dominik; Grenier, Charles; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, 8144 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
57 Quantum phases from competing short- and long-range interactions in an optical lattice
Landig, Renate; Hruby, Lorenz; Dogra, Nishant; Landini, Manuele; Mottl, Rafael; Donner, Tobias; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 532, 476 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
58 Formation and Dynamics of Anti-ferromagnetic Correlations in Tunable Optical Lattices
Greif, Daniel; Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 260401 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
59 Connecting strongly correlated superfluids by a quantum point contact
Husmann, Dominik; Uchino, Shun; Krinner, Sebastian; Lebrat, Martin; Giamarchi, Thierry; Esslinger, Tilman; Brantut, Jean-Philippe;
Science, 350, 1498 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
60 Studying band-topology with ultracold fermions in an optical lattice: Experimental realisation of the Haldane model
Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Lebrat, Martin; Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Esslinger, Tilman;
SPG Mitteilungen, 2015, 22 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
61 Exploring Competing Density Order in the Ionic Hubbard Model with Ultracold Fermions
Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Huber, Sebastian; Greif, Daniel; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 115303 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
62 Creating State-Dependent Lattices for Ultracold Fermions by Magnetic Gradient Modulation
Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Görg, Frederik; Greif, Daniel; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 073002 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
63 Observation of a Fragmented, Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
Krinner, Sebastian; Stadler, David; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 045302 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
64 Observation of quantized conductance in neutral matter
Krinner, Sebastian; Stadler, David; Husmann, Dominik; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 517, 64 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
65 Measuring the dynamic structure factor of a quantum gas undergoing a structural phase transition
Landig, Renate; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Mottl, Rafael; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Communications, 6, 7046 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
66 Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions
Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Lebrat, Martin; Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 515, 237 (2014)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
67 Optical transport and manipulation of an ultracold atomic cloud using focus-tunable lenses
Léonard, Julian; Lee, Moonjoo; Morales, Andrea; Karg, Thomas M.; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
New Journal of Physics, 16, 093028 (2014)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
68 Thermodynamics and Magnetic Properties of the Anisotropic 3D Hubbard Model
Imriška, Jakub; Iazzi, Mauro; Wang, Lei; Gull, Emanuel; Greif, Daniel; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman; Troyer, Matthias;
Physical Review Letters, 112, 115301 (2014)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
69 Bloch-Zener oscillations in a tunable optical honeycomb lattice
Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman;
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1566, 534 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
70 A Thermoelectric Heat Engine with Ultracold Atoms
Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Grenier, Charles; Meineke, Jakob; Stadler, David; Krinner, Sebastian; Kollath, Corinna; Esslinger, Tilman; Georges, Antoine;
Science, 342, 713 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
71 Artificial Graphene with Tunable Interactions
Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Greif, Daniel; Hofstetter, Walter; Bissbort, Ulf; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 111, 185307 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
72 Focus on quantum simulation
Schaetz, Tobias; Monroe, Chris R.; Esslinger, Tilman;
New Journal of Physics, 15, 085009 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
73 Real-time observation of fluctuations at the driven-dissipative Dicke phase transition
Brennecke, Ferdinand; Mottl, Rafael; Baumann, Kristian; Landig, Renate; Donner, Tobias; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, 11763 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
74 Short-Range Quantum Magnetism of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice
Greif, Daniel; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 340, 1307 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
75 Cold atoms in cavity-generated dynamical optical potentials
Ritsch, Helmut; Domokos, Peter; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, 553 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
76 Superfluidity with disorder in a thin film of quantum gas
Krinner, Sebastian; Stadler, David; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 110, 100601 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
77 Double transfer through Dirac points in a tunable honeycomb optical lattice
Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman; Wang, Lei; Troyer, Matthias;
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 217, 121 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
78 Observing the drop of resistance in the flow of a superfluid Fermi gas
Stadler, David; Krinner, Sebastian; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 491, 736 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
79 Conduction of Ultracold Fermions Through a Mesoscopic Channel
Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Meineke, Jakob; Stadler, David; Krinner, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 337, 1069 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
80 Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions
Mottl, Rafael; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Baumann, Kristian; Landig, Renate; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 336, 1570 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
81 Interferometric measurement of local spin fluctuations in a quantum gas
Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Stadler, David; Müller, Torben; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 8, 454 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
82 Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice
Tarruell, Leticia; Greif, Daniel; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 483, 302 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
83 Exploring Symmetry Breaking at the Dicke Quantum Phase Transition
Baumann, Kristian; Mottl, Rafael; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 107, 140402 (2011)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
84 Probing Nearest-Neighbor Correlations of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice
Greif, Daniel; Tarruell, Leticia; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jördens, Robert; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 106, 145302 (2011)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
85 High-resolution imaging of ultracold fermions in microscopically tailored optical potentials
Zimmermann, Bruno; Müller, Torben; Meineke, Jakob; Esslinger, Tilman; Moritz, Henning;
New Journal of Physics, 13, 043007 (2011)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
86 Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Rydberg-blocked atomic ensemble
Guerlin, Christine; Brion, Etienne; Esslinger, Tilman; Mølmer, Klaus;
Physical Review A, 82, 053832 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
87 Local Observation of Antibunching in a Trapped Fermi Gas
Mueller, Torben; Zimmermann, Bruno; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman; Moritz, Henning;
Physical Review Letters, 105, 040401 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
88 Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model
Sersarma, Rajdeep; Pekker, David; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene; Strohmaier, Niels; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Tarruell, Leticia; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
arXiv, , 1001.3881 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
89 Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model
Sensarma, Rajdeep; Pekker, David; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene; Strohmaier, Niels; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Tarruell, Leticia; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review B, 82, 224302 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
90 Fermi-Hubbard Physics with Atoms in an Optical Lattice
Esslinger, Tilman;
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 1, 129 (2010)
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91 Observation of Elastic Doublon Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model
Strohmaier, Niels; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Tarruell, Leticia; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman; Sensarma, Rajdeep; Pekker, David; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene;
Physical Review Letters, 104, 080401 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
92 Quantitative Determination of Temperature in the Approach to Magnetic Order of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice
Jördens, R.; Tarruell, L.; Greif, D.; Uehlinger, T.; Strohmaier, N.; Moritz, H.; Esslinger, T.; De Leo, L.; Kollath, C.; Georges, A.; Scarola, V.; Pollet, L.; Burovski, E.; Kozik, E.; Troyer, M.;
Physical Review Letters, 104, 180401 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
93 Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity
Baumann, Kristian; Guerlin, Christine; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 464, 1301 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
94 Synthetic quantum many-body systems
Guerlin, Christine; Baumann, Kristian; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Leinss, Silvan; Strohmaier, Niels; Tarruell, Leticia; Uehlinger, Thomas; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
, , 212 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
95 Dynamical coupling between a Bose–Einstein condensate and a cavity optical lattice
Ritter, Stephan; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Guerlin, Christine; Baumann, Kristian; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Applied Physics B, 95, 213 (2009)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
96 A new phase for ytterbium atoms
Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physics, 31, (2009)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
97 A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice
Jördens, Robert; Strohmaier, Niels; Günter, Kenneth; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 455, 204 (2008)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
98 Cavity Optomechanics with a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Ferdinand, Brennecke; Ritter, Stephan; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 322, 235 (2008)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
99 Criticality and correlations in cold atomic gases
Köhl, Michael; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, Stephan; Bourdel, Thomas; Öttl, Anton; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Advances in Solid State Physics, 47, 79 (2008)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
100 Time interval distributions of atoms in atomic beams
Köhl, Michael; Öttl, Anton; Ritter, Stephan; Donner, Tobias; Bourdel, Thomas; Esslinger, Tilman;
Applied Physics B, 86, 391 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
101 Cavity QED with a Bose-Einstein condensate
Brennecke, Ferdinand; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, Stephan; Bourdel, Thomas; Koehl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 450, 268 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
102 Critical behavior of a trapped interacting Bose gas
Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, S.; Bourdel, T.; Oettl, A.; Koehl, M.; Esslinger, T.;
Science, 315, 1556 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
103 A lab in a trap
Moritz, H.; Stöferle, T.; Günter, K.; Köhl, M.; Esslinger, T.;
, , 463 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
104 Observing the formation of long-range order during Bose-Einstein condensation
Ritter, Stephan; Oettl, Anton; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Bourdel, Thomas; Koehl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 98, 090402 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
105 Interaction-controlled transport of an ultracold Fermi gas
Strohmaier, Niels; Takasu, Yosuke; Günter, Kenneth; Jördens, Robert; Köhl, Michael; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 99, 220601-1 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
106 Quantum physics
Esslinger, Tilman; Blatter, Gianni;
Nature, 441, 1053 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
107 Hybrid apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensation and cavity quantum electrodynamics
Öttl, Anton; Ritter, Stephan; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Review of Scientific Instruments, 77, 063118 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
108 Bose-Fermi Mixtures in a Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice
Günter, Kenneth; Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 96, 180402 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
109 Strongly interacting atoms and molecules in a 3D optical lattice
Köhl, Michael; Günter, Kenneth; Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39, S47 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
110 Cavity QED detection of interfering matter waves
Bourdel, T.; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, S.; Ottl, A.; Köhl, M.; Esslinger, T.;
Physical Review A, 73, 043602 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
111 Fermionic atoms in an optical lattice
Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Europhysics News, 37, 18 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
112 Molecules of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice
Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Günter, Kenneth; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 96, 030401 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
113 Correlations and counting statistics of an atom laser
Öttl, Anton; Ritter, Stephan; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 95, 090404 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
114 Confinement induced molecules in a 1D Fermi gas
Henning, Moritz; Stöferle, Thilo; Günter, Kenneth; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 94, 210401 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
115 Fermionic Atoms in a Three Dimensional Optical Lattice: Observing Fermi Surfaces, Dynamics, and Interactions
Köhl, Michael; Moritz, Henning; Stöferle, Thilo; Günter, Kenneth; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 94, 080403 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
116 Superfluid to Mott insulator transition in one, two, and three dimensions
Köhl, Michael; Moritz, Henning; Stöferle, Thilo; Schori, Christian; Esslinger, Tilman;
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 138, 635 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
117 p-Wave interactions in low-dimensional fermionic gases
Günter, Kenneth; Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 95, 230401 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
118 Fermionic atoms with tunable interactions in a 3D optical lattice
Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Schori, Christian; Günter, Kenneth; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
, , 283 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
119 Observing the profile of an atom laser beam
Köhl, Michael; Busch, Th.; MØlmer, Klaus; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 72, 063618 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
120 Excitations of a superfluid in a three-dimensional optical lattice
Schori, Christian; Stöferle, Thilo; Henning, Moritz; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 93, 240402 (2004)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
121 1D Bose gases in an optical lattice
Köhl, M.; Stöferle, T.; Moritz, H.; Schori, S.; Esslinger, T.;
Applied Physics B, 79, 1009 (2004)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
122 Transition from a strongly interacting 1D superfluid to a Mott insulator
Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Schori, Christian; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 92, 130403 (2004)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
123 Atoms and molecules in lattices: Bose-Einstein condensates built on a shared vacuum
Esslinger, T.; Molmer, K.;
Physical Review Letters, 90, 160406 (2003)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
124 Line width of an atom laser
Kohl, M.; Hansch, T.W.; Esslinger, T.;
Applied Physics B, 76, 109 (2003)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
125 Exciting Collective Oscillations in a Trapped 1D Gas
Moritz, Henning; Stöferle, Thilo; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 91, 250402 (2003)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
126 Transverse mode of an atom laser
Busch, Thomas; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman; Mølmer, Klaus;
Physical Review A, 65, 043615 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
127 Growth of Bose-Einstein Condensates from Thermal Vapor
Köhl, Michael; Davis, Matthew J.; Gardiner, Crispin W.; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 88, 080402 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
128 Continuous detection of an atom laser beam
Köhl, Michael; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 65, 021606 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
129 Quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator in a gas of ultracold atoms
Greiner, Markus; Mandel, Olaf; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Bloch, Immanuel;
Nature, 415, 39 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
130 Bose–Einstein condensates in 1D- and 2D optical lattices
Greiner, Markus; Bloch, Immanuel; Mandel, Olaf; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Applied Physics B, 73, 769 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
131 Measuring the Temporal Coherence of an Atom Laser Beam
Köhl, Michael; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 87, 160404 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
132 Exploring Phase Coherence in a 2D Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Greiner, Markus; Bloch, Immanuel; Mandel, Olaf; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 87, 160405 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
133 Sympathetic cooling of 85Rb and 87Rb
Bloch, Immanuel; Greiner, Markus; Mandel, Olaf; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 64, 021402 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
134 Optics with an Atom Laser Beam
Bloch, Immanuel; Köhl, Michael; Greiner, Markus; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 87, 030401 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
135 Magnetic transport of trapped cold atoms over a large distance
Greiner, Markus; Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 63, 031401 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
136 Measurement of the spatial coherence of a trapped Bose gas at the phase transition
Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 403, 166 (2000)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
137 Probing first-order spatial coherence of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Esslinger, Tilman; Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Journal of Modern Optics, 47, 2725 (2000)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
138 Atom Laser with a cw Output Coupler
Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 82, 3008 (1999)
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139 Bose-Einstein condensation in a quadrupole-Ioffe-configuration trap
Esslinger, Tilman; Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review A, 58, R2664 (1998)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
140 Ramsey-Type Subrecoil Cooling
Sander, Frank; Devolder, Thibaut; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 78, 4023 (1997)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
141 All-optical gray lattice for atoms
Stecher, Herwig; Ritsch, Helmut; Zoller, Peter; Sander, Frank; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review A, 55, 545 (1997)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
142 Recurring dark states in Ramsey-type subrecoil cooling
Esslinger, Tilman; Sander, Frank; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Applied Physics B, 65, 701 (1997)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
143 Band Population Measurementsin aPurely Optical Dark Lattice
Sander, Frank; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Stecher, Herwig; Ritsch, Helmut;
, , 9611019 (1996)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
144 Subrecoil Laser Cooling with Adiabatic Transfer
Esslinger, Tilman; Sander, Frank; Weidemüller, Matthias; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 76, 2432 (1996)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
145 Purely optical dark lattice
Esslinger, Tilman; Sander, Frank; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Ritsch, Helmut; Weidemüller, Matthias;
Optics Letters, 21, 991 (1996)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
146 Bragg Diffraction in an Atomic Lattice Bound by Light
Weidemüller, Matthias; Hemmerich, Andreas; Görlitz, Axel; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 75, 4583 (1995)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
147 Trapping Atoms in a Dark Optical Lattice
Hemmerich, Andreas; Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Zimmermann, Claus; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 75, 37 (1995)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
148 A compact grating-stabilized diode laser system for atomic physics
Ricci, Leonardo; Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Hemmerich, Andreas; Zimmermann, Claus; Vuletić, Vladan; König, Wolfgang; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Optics Communications, 117, 541 (1995)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
149 A Novel Scheme for Efficient Cooling below the Photon Recoil Limit
Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Ol’shanii, Maxim A.; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Europhysics Letters, 27, 109 (1994)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
150 Surface-plasmon mirror for atoms
Esslinger, Tilman; Weidemüller, Matthias; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Optics Letters, 18, 450 (1993)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
151 Collective Atomic Dynamics in a Magneto-optical Trap
Hemmerich, Andreas; Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Europhysics Letters, 21, 445 (1993)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
152 Imaging an atomic beam in two dimensions
Esslinger, Tilman; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Optics Communications, 93, 49 (1992)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
153 Elastic Scattering of Rubidium Atoms by Two Crossed Standing Waves
Hemmerich, Andreas; Schropp, Donald; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Europhysics Letters, 18, 391 (1992)
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