Recent Publications

Quantum circuits based on topological pumping in optical lattices
Zijie Zhu; Yann Kiefer; Samuel Jele; Marius Gächter; Giacomo Bisson; Konrad Viebahn; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2409.02984
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Galilei covariance of the theory of Thouless pumps
Tilman Esslinger; Gian Michele Graf; Filippo Santi
Arxiv preprint 2408.14579
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Dissipative realization of Kondo models
Martino Stefanini; Yi-Fan Qu; Tilman Esslinger; Sarang Gopalakrishnan; Eugene Demler; Jamir Marino
Arxiv preprint 2406.03527
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Stability and decay of subradiant patterns in a quantum gas with photon-mediated interactions
Alexander Baumgärtner; Simon Hertlein; Tom Schmit; Davide Dreon; Carlos Máximo; Xiangliang Li; Giovanna Morigi; Tobias Donner
Arxiv preprint 2407.09227
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Dark state transport between unitary Fermi superfluids
Mohsen Talebi; Simon Wili; Jeffrey Mohan; Philipp Fabritius; Meng-Zi Huang; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2406.03104
ArXiv: 🔗 link

Welcome to
Prof. Tilman Esslinger's
Quantum Optics Group

Dr. Zijie Zhu

In our research we use ultracold atoms to synthetically create key models in quantum many-body physics.

The properties of the trapped quantum gases are governed by the interplay between atomic motion and a well characterized interaction between the particles. This conceptual simplicity is unique in experimental physics and provides a direct link between the experiment and the model describing the system. It enables us to shine new light on a wide range of fundamental phenomena and address open challenges.

We explore the physics of quantum phase transitions and crossovers, low-dimensional systems and non-equilibrium dynamics, and thereby establish the basis for quantum simulation of many-body Hamiltonians.

For example, by loading a quantum degenerate gas of potassium atoms into the periodic potential of an optical lattice we realize Hubbard models with atoms and access superfluid, metallic and Mott-insulating phases. A many-body system with infinitely long-range interactions is formed by trapping a Bose-Einstein condensate inside an optical cavity, which has allowed us to observe the Dicke quantum phase transition from a normal to a superradiant phase. We also work on extending the concepts of quantum simulations to device-like structures connected to atomic reservoirs, using a combination of high-resolution microscopy and transport measurements. We further work on offering our quantum simulations as a service, specifically on the Quantum Simulation Transport Platform (QSTP), the Extended Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulation Platform (EFHQSP) and our Matter-Light Quantum Simulation Platforms (MLQSPs).

We acknowledge funding from SNF and ETH Zürich, NCCR QSIT, SBFI QUIC and the European Union (ERC TransQ, ERC Marie Curie TopSpiD, ETN ColOpt).


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