QO Group

Tilman Esslinger
▾ Administration
▾ Engineering
▾ Lattice Team
▾ Cavity Team
▾ Lithium Team
▾ Impact Team

Prof. Dr. Tilman Esslinger

ETH Zürich
Institute for Quantum Electronics
Quantum Optics Group
Otto Stern Weg 1, HPF D4
8093 Zürich

Tel.: +41 44 63-32340

Email: esslinger@phys.ethz.ch

Research Interest

Quantum simulation
Quantum many-body physics
Quantum gases, optical lattices and cavity QED
Topology, transport, non-equilibrium physics

Short CV

Since October 2001: Full professor in the Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Major scientific accomplishments: Since my appointment as full professor at ETH Zurich in October 2001 I built up one of the internationally leading research labs in the field of quantum gases and quantum simulation. We pioneered the research agenda of analog quantum simulation by synthetically creating and studying key models in quantum many-body physics. We have initiated and established three main research directions:
• We carried out seminal experiments with quantum gases in optical lattices to explore Fermi–Hubbard physics and beyond, among them the first realizations of a fermionic Mott insulator, a quantum-gas analogue of graphene and the topological Haldane model, as well as the first observation of quantum magnetism in a Fermi–Hubbard model. In most recent work we realized a driven Fermi–Hubbard model and observed enhancement and sign reversal of magnetic correlations, and demonstrated a first step towards quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories.
• We pioneered the study of Bose–Einstein condensates in cavity-QED settings, used it to provide a link to the physics of cavity-optomechanics, and realized the Dicke quantum phase transition. The cavity induces long-range interactions, which we very recently combined with a short-range interacting Bose–Hubbard model, leading to the observation of a first-order phase transition. Recently we observed a supersolid phase breaking a continuous symmetry, as well as the associated phase and amplitude modes.
• A very recent and new line of research is the measurement of conductances in quantum gases, where we also demonstrated the equivalent of the thermoelectric effect and observed for the first time quantized conductance in neutral matter.

1995-2001: Group leader in T.W. Hänsch's laboratory at the University of Munich
Major scientific accomplishments: demonstration of the quantum phase transition between a superfluid and a Mott-insulating state, measurement of the long-range order in a Bose-Einstein condensate, pioneering work on atom lasers

1991-1995: Research assistant, Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching
Major scientific accomplishments: first demonstration of subrecoil laser cooling of rubidium atoms, pioneering work on laser cooling and atom optics in near-resonant optical lattices, demonstration of a mirror for neutral atoms exploiting a surface plasmon resonance

1995: PhD in Physics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany

1991: Diploma in Physics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

Institutional Responsibilities

2015 –Member of Research Commission ETH Zurich
2013 – 2015Chair, Department of Physics at ETH Zurich
2011 – Vice-Director, National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Quantum Science and Technology (QSIT), https://nccr-qsit.ethz.ch
2009 – 2013Vice-Chair, Department of Physics at ETH Zurich
2008 –Heading search committees as delegate of the President of ETH Zurich
2005 – 2007Head of Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
2004 – 2008Member of Strategic Planning Commission of ETH Zurich

Community Services

• Member of ERC panels (2012, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2021)
• Member of advisory board Excellence Project TopDyn, University Mainz (since 2019)
• Member of the External Advisory Board for Physics Department, Oxford University (since 2020)
• Member of International Review Panel for Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore (2011)

Prizes, Honours, Patents

2022 Honorary Degree from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
2021 Senior BEC Award sponsored by TOPTICA Photonics AG (shared with Rudolf Grimm)
2016 Ugo Fano Lecturer, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago
2016 Senior Research Visitor Keble College, Oxford
2014 Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
2014 - 19, 2021 Listed as "Highly cited researcher" by Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics
2011 37th Hanan Rosenthal Memorial Lecture, Yale University
2010 & 2017 ERC Advanced Grants
2001 Guest professorship at University of Innsbruck, Austria
2000 Phillip Morris Research Prize (shared with T.W. Hänsch and I. Bloch)
2002 US patent on "Device and method for generating and manipulating coherent matter waves"

Prizes for PhD students in my group :

Henning Moritz: Prize for General Physics of the Swiss Physical Society 2005
Thilo Stöferle: ETH medal and Chorafas Prize 2006
Ferdinand Brennecke: ETH medal for outstanding doctoral thesis 2010
Daniel Greif: Shortlisted for DAMOP Thesis Prize 2014
Gregor Jotzu: Prize for General Physics of the Swiss Physical Society 2015
Sebastian Krinner: ETH medal and Chorafas prize 2015
Renate Landig: ETH medal for outstanding doctoral thesis 2016
Nishant Dogra: ETH medal for outstanding doctoral thesis 2019

Organisation of Scientific Meetings

2015, -18Co-Organizer, "Quantum Systems and Technology", Monte Verità, Switzerland
2014, -16, -18Co-Organizer, "Coherent Control of Complex Quantum Systems", Okinawa, Japan
2013Co-Organizer, "Quantum many body systems out of equilibrium", Dresden, Germany
2013Co-Organizer, workshop on "Optical Lattice Emulators and Beyond", Aspen, US
2011Co-Organizer, workshop on "Modeling Materials With Cold Gases", Zurich, Switzerland
2011Chair, 5th biannual conference on Bose–Einstein Condensation, Sant Feliu, Spain
2009Co-Organizer, "Ab-initio modeling of cold gases", Zurich, Switzerland
2009Co-Organizer, "Quantum Engineering", Monte Verità, Switzerland
2009Vice-Chair, 4th biannual conference on Bose–Einstein Condensation, Sant Feliu, Spain
2005Chair, "Control and Manipulation of Quantum Systems", Monte Verità, Switzerland
2002Chair, European Research Conference on Quantum Optics, Sant Feliu, Spain
2001Vice-Chair, European Research Conference on Quantum Optics, Sant Feliu, Spain
1999DPG Symposium "Laser cooling and Bose–Einstein condensation", Heidelberg, Germany


Summary: Since 1992 more than 120 peer-reviewed publications, cited more than 32,000 times in total; h-index: 70 (Source: Google Scholar). 12 research papers in Nature and 9 in Science. According to InCites Essential Science Indicators (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics), 9 of the papers we published since 2011 are "Highly Cited Papers". Our realisation of the Haldane model [G. Jotzu, et al., Nature 515, 237 (2014)], which is an iconic concept in topological condensed matter physics [Haldane, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2015; 1988], featured prominently in the final paragraph of the advanced information of the 2016 Nobel Prize.

1 Dark state transport between unitary Fermi superfluids
Mohsen Talebi; Simon Wili; Jeffrey Mohan; Philipp Fabritius; Meng-Zi Huang; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2406.03104 (2024)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
2 Universal entropy transport far from equilibrium across the BCS-BEC crossover
Jeffrey Mohan; Philipp Fabritius; Mohsen Talebi; Simon Wili; Meng-Zi Huang; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2403.17838 (2024)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
3 Interaction-induced charge pumping in a topological many-body system
Konrad Viebahn; Anne-Sophie Walter; Eric Bertok; Zijie Zhu; Marius Gächter; Armando A. Aligia; Fabian Heidrich-Meisner; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2308.03756 (2023)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
4 Reversal of quantised Hall drifts at non-interacting and interacting topological boundaries
Zijie Zhu; Marius Gächter; Anne-Sophie Walter; Konrad Viebahn; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2301.03583 (2023)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Science (open access link): 🔗 link
5 Dark State Transport between Unitary Fermi Superfluids
Talebi, Mohsen; Will, Simon; Mohan, Jeffrey; Fabritius, Philipp; Huang, Meng-Zi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 133, 223403 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
6 Irreversible entropy transport enhanced by fermionic superfluidity
Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Talebi, Mohsen; Wili, Simon; Zwerger, Wilhelm; Huang, Meng-Zi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 20, 1091 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
7 Reversal of quantized Hall drifts at noninteracting and interacting topological boundaries
Zhu, Zijie; Gächter, Marius; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 384, 317 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
8 Interactions Enable Thouless Pumping in a Nonsliding Lattice
Viebahn, Konrad; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Bertok, Eric; Zhu, Zijie; Gächter, Marius; Aligia, Armando A.; Heidrich-Meisner Fabian; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 14, 021049 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
9 Spin- and Momentum-Correlated Atom Pairs Mediated by Photon Exchange and Seeded by Vacuum Fluctuations
Finger, Fabian; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Reiter, Nicola; Christodoulou, Panagiotis; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 132, 093402 (2024)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
10 Quantization and its breakdown in a Hubbard–Thouless pump
Walter, Anne-Sophie; Zhu, Zijie; Gächter, Marius; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Roschinski, Stephan; Sandholzer, Kilian; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 9, 1471 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
11 Quantum Fluctuation Dynamics of Dispersive Superradiant Pulses in a Hybrid Light-Matter System
Stitely, Kevin C.; Finger, Fabian; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Ferri, Francesco; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman; Parkins, Scott; Krauskopf, Bernd;
Physical Review Letters, 131, 143604 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
12 Superfluid Signatures in a Dissipative Quantum Point Contact
Huang, Meng-Zi; Mohan, Jeffrey; Visuri, Anne-Maria; Fabritius, Philipp; Talebi, Mohsen; Wili, Simon; Uchino, Shun; Giamarchi, Thierry; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 130, 200404 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
13 An accordion superlattice for controlling atom separation in optical potentials
Wili, Simon; Esslinger, Tilman; Viebahn, Konrad;
New Journal of Physics, 25, 033037 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
14 FPGA-based real-time laser beam profiling and stabilization system for quantum simulation applications
Marti, Stefano; Mustafa, Enis; Bisson, Giacomo; Anand, Pratyush; Fabritius, Philipp; Esslinger, Tilman; Akin, Abdulkadir;
, , 8 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
15 Laser Frequency Stabilization using a Prescaler and a High-Resolution Frequency to Voltage Converter
Liu, Yu; Frank, Alexander; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias; Akin, Abdulkadir;
, , 367 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
16 Phases, instabilities and excitations in a two-component lattice model with photon-mediated interactions
Carl, Leon; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Huber, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman; Dogra, Nishant; Dubcek, Tena;
Physical Review Research, 5, L032003 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
17 DC transport in a dissipative superconducting quantum point contact
Visuri, Anne-Maria; Mohan, Jeffrey; Uchino, Shun; Huang, Meng-Zi; Esslinger, Tilman; Giamarchi, Thierry;
Physical Review Research, 5, 033095 (2023)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
18 Self-oscillating pump in a topological dissipative atom–cavity system
Dreon, Davide; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Li, Xiangliang; Hertlein, Simon; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Nature, 608, 494 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
19 Topological Pumping in a Floquet-Bloch Band
Minguzzi, Joaquín; Zhu, Zijie; Sandholzer, Kilian; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 129, 053201 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
20 Dissipation-Engineered Family of Nearly Dark States in Many-Body Cavity-Atom Systems
Lin, Rui; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Ferri, Francesco; Finger, Fabian; Kroeger, Katrin; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman; Chitra, Ramasubramanian;
Physical Review Letters, 128, 153601 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
21 Observing dynamical currents in a non-Hermitian momentum lattice
Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Ferri, Francesco; Finger, Fabian; Dogra, Nishant; Kroeger, Katrin; Lin, Rui; Chitra, R.; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 128, 143602 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
22 Floquet engineering of individual band gaps in an optical lattice using a two-tone drive
Sandholzer, Kilian; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Zhu, Zijie; Viebahn, Konrad; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Research, 4, 013056 (2022)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
23 Emerging Dissipative Phases in a Superradiant Quantum Gas with Tunable Decay
Ferri, Francesco; Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe; Finger, Fabian; Dogra, Nishant; Soriente, Matteo; Zilberberg, Oded; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 11, 041046 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
24 Erratum: Quantized conductance through a dissipative atomic point contact [Phys. Rev. A 100, 053605 (2019)]
Corman, Laura; Fabritius, Philipp; Häusler, Samuel; Mohan, Jeffrey; Dogra, Lena H.; Husmann, Dominik; Lebrat, Martin; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 103, 059902 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
25 Interaction-Assisted Reversal of Thermopower with Ultracold Atoms
Häusler, Samuel; Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Lebrat, Martin; Corman, Laura; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 11, 021034 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
26 Flat-band transport and Josephson effect through a finite-size sawtooth lattice
Pyykkönen, Ville A. J.; Peotta, Sebastiano; Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Esslinger, Tilman; Törmä, Päivi;
Physical Review B, 103, 144519 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
27 First order phase transition between two centro-symmetric superradiant crystals
Li, Xiangliang; Dreon, Davide; Zupancic, Philip; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Morales, Andrea; Zheng, Wei; Cooper, Nigel R.; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Research, 3, L012024 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
28 Flat band transport and Josephson effect through a finite-size sawtooth lattice
Pyykkönen, Ville A.J.; Peotta, Sebastiano; Fabritius, Philipp; Mohan, Jeffrey; Esslinger, Tilman; Törmä, Päivi;
arXiv, , 2101.04460 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
29 Suppressing Dissipation in a Floquet-Hubbard System
Viebahn, Konrad; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Sandholzer, Kilian; Walter, Anne-Sophie; Sajnani, Manish; Görg, Frederik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 11, 011057 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
30 A low-noise and scalable FPGA-based analog signal generator for quantum gas experiments
Pahl, David; Pahl, Lukas; Mustafa, Enis; Liu, Zhenning; Fabritius, Philipp; Clements, Peter; Akin, Abdulkadir; Mohan, Jeffrey; Esslinger, Tilman;
, , 450 (2021)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
31 Erratum: Formation of a Spin Texture in a Quantum Gas Coupled to a Cavity [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 223602 (2018)]
Landini, Manuele; Dogra, Nishant; Kröger, Katrin; Hruby, Lorenz; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 125, 069901 (2020)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
32 Continuous feedback on a quantum gas coupled to an optical cavity
Kroeger, Katrin; Dogra, Nishant; Rosa-Medina, Rodrigo; Paluch, Marcin; Ferri, Francesco; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
New Journal of Physics, 22, 033020 (2020)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
33 Dissipation-induced structural instability and chiral dynamics in a quantum gas
Dogra, Nishant; Landini, Manuele; Kröger, Katrin; Hruby, Lorenz; Donner, Tobias; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 366, 1496 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
34 P-Band Induced Self-Organization and Dynamics with Repulsively Driven Ultracold Atoms in an Optical Cavity
Zupancic, Philip; Dreon, Davide; Li, Xiangliang; Baumgärtner, Alexander; Morales, Andrea; Zheng, Wei; Cooper, Nigel R.; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Physical Review Letters, 123, 233601 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
35 Quantum Simulation Meets Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: Exploring the Periodically Driven, Strongly Correlated Fermi-Hubbard Model
Sandholzer, Kilian; Murakami, Yuta; Görg, Frederik; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Eckstein, Martin; Werner, Philipp; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 123, 193602 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
36 Quantized Conductance through a Spin-Selective Atomic Point Contact
Lebrat, Martin; Häusler, Samuel; Fabritius, Philipp; Husmann, Dominik; Corman, Laura; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 123, 193605 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
37 Quantized conductance through a dissipative atomic point contact
Corman, Laura; Fabritius, Philipp; Häusler, Samuel; Mohan, Jeffrey; Dogra, Lena H.; Husmann, Dominik; Lebrat, Martin; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 100, 053605 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
38 Realization of density-dependent Peierls phases to engineer quantized gauge fields coupled to ultracold matter
Görg, Frederik; Sandholzer, Kilian; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Desbuquois, Rémi; Messer, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 15, 1161 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
39 Quantized Hall Conductance of a Single Atomic Wire: A Proposal Based on Synthetic Dimensions
Salerno, Grazia; Price, Hannah M.; Lebrat, Martin; Häusler, Samuel; Esslinger, Tilman; Corman, Laura; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Goldman, Nathan;
Physical Review X, 9, 041001 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
40 Two-mode Dicke model from nondegenerate polarization modes
Morales, Andrea; Dreon, Davide; Li, Xiangliang; Baumgartner, Alexander; Zupancic, Philip; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 100, 013816 (2019)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
41 Floquet Dynamics in Driven Fermi-Hubbard Systems
Messer, Michael; Sandholzer, Kilian; Görg, Frederik; Minguzzi, Joaquín; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 121, 233603 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
42 Breakdown of the Wiedemann–Franz law in a unitary Fermi gas
Husmann, Dominik; Lebrat, Martin; Häusler, Samuel; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Corman, Laura; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 8563 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
43 Coupling two order parameters in a quantum gas
Morales, Andrea; Zupancic, Philip; Léonard, Julian; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Nature Materials, 17, 686 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
44 Formation of a Spin Texture in a Quantum Gas Coupled to a Cavity
Landini, Manuele; Dogra, Nishant; Kröger, Katrin; Hruby, Lorenz; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 120, 223602 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
45 Metastability and avalanche dynamics in strongly correlated gases with long-range interactions
Hruby, Lorenz; Dogra, Nishant; Landini, Manuele; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 3279 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
46 Enhancement and sign change of magnetic correlations in a driven quantum many-body system
Görg, Frederik; Messer, Michael; Sandholzer, Kilian; Jotzu, Gregor; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 553, 481 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
47 Band and Correlated Insulators of Cold Fermions in a Mesoscopic Lattice
Lebrat, Martin; Grišins, Pjotrs; Husmann, Dominik; Häusler, Samuel; Corman, Laura; Giamarchi, Thierry; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review X, 8, 011053 (2018)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
48 Monitoring and manipulating Higgs and Goldstone modes in a supersolid quantum gas
Léonard, Julian; Morales, Andrea; Zupancic, Philip; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 358, 1415 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
49 Controlling the Floquet state population and observing micromotion in a periodically driven two-body quantum system
Desbuquois, Rémi; Messer, Michael; Görg, Frederik; Sandholzer, Kilian; Jotzu, Gregor; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 96, 053602 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
50 Two-Terminal Transport Measurements with Cold Atoms
Krinner, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman; Brantut, Jean-Philippe;
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 343003 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
51 Scanning Gate Microscope for Cold Atomic Gases
Häusler, Samuel; Nakajima, Shuta; Lebrat, Martin; Husmann, Dominik; Krinner, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman; Brantut, Jean-Philippe;
Physical Review Letters, 119, 030403 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
52 Supersolid formation in a quantum gas breaking a continuous translational symmetry
Léonard, Julian; Morales, Andrea; Zupancic, Philip; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
Nature, 543, 87 (2017)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
53 Anomalous Conductances in an Ultracold Quantum Wire
Kanász-Nagy, Márton; Glazman, Leonid; Esslinger, Tilman; Demler, Eugene;
Physical Review Letters, 117, 255302 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
54 "Enlightening the World with the Laser"-Honoring T. W. Hansch
Esslinger, Tilman; Picque, Nathalie; Udem, Thomas;
Applied Physics B, 122, 283 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
55 Creating topological interfaces and detecting chiral edge modes in a two-dimensional optical lattice
Goldman, Nathan; Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Görg, Frederik; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 94, 043611 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
56 Mapping out spin and particle conductances in a quantum point contact
Krinner, Sebastian; Lebrat, Martin; Husmann, Dominik; Grenier, Charles; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, 8144 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
57 Quantum phases from competing short- and long-range interactions in an optical lattice
Landig, Renate; Hruby, Lorenz; Dogra, Nishant; Landini, Manuele; Mottl, Rafael; Donner, Tobias; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 532, 476 (2016)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
58 Formation and Dynamics of Anti-ferromagnetic Correlations in Tunable Optical Lattices
Greif, Daniel; Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 260401 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
59 Connecting strongly correlated superfluids by a quantum point contact
Husmann, Dominik; Uchino, Shun; Krinner, Sebastian; Lebrat, Martin; Giamarchi, Thierry; Esslinger, Tilman; Brantut, Jean-Philippe;
Science, 350, 1498 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
60 Studying band-topology with ultracold fermions in an optical lattice: Experimental realisation of the Haldane model
Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Lebrat, Martin; Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Esslinger, Tilman;
SPG Mitteilungen, 2015, 22 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
61 Exploring Competing Density Order in the Ionic Hubbard Model with Ultracold Fermions
Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Huber, Sebastian; Greif, Daniel; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 115303 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
62 Creating State-Dependent Lattices for Ultracold Fermions by Magnetic Gradient Modulation
Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Görg, Frederik; Greif, Daniel; Desbuquois, Rémi; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 073002 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
63 Observation of a Fragmented, Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
Krinner, Sebastian; Stadler, David; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 115, 045302 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
64 Observation of quantized conductance in neutral matter
Krinner, Sebastian; Stadler, David; Husmann, Dominik; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 517, 64 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
65 Measuring the dynamic structure factor of a quantum gas undergoing a structural phase transition
Landig, Renate; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Mottl, Rafael; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Communications, 6, 7046 (2015)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
66 Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions
Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Desbuquois, Rémi; Lebrat, Martin; Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 515, 237 (2014)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
67 Optical transport and manipulation of an ultracold atomic cloud using focus-tunable lenses
Léonard, Julian; Lee, Moonjoo; Morales, Andrea; Karg, Thomas M.; Esslinger, Tilman; Donner, Tobias Ulrik;
New Journal of Physics, 16, 093028 (2014)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
68 Thermodynamics and Magnetic Properties of the Anisotropic 3D Hubbard Model
Imriška, Jakub; Iazzi, Mauro; Wang, Lei; Gull, Emanuel; Greif, Daniel; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman; Troyer, Matthias;
Physical Review Letters, 112, 115301 (2014)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
69 Bloch-Zener oscillations in a tunable optical honeycomb lattice
Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman;
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1566, 534 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
70 A Thermoelectric Heat Engine with Ultracold Atoms
Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Grenier, Charles; Meineke, Jakob; Stadler, David; Krinner, Sebastian; Kollath, Corinna; Esslinger, Tilman; Georges, Antoine;
Science, 342, 713 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
71 Artificial Graphene with Tunable Interactions
Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Messer, Michael; Greif, Daniel; Hofstetter, Walter; Bissbort, Ulf; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 111, 185307 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
72 Focus on quantum simulation
Schaetz, Tobias; Monroe, Chris R.; Esslinger, Tilman;
New Journal of Physics, 15, 085009 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
73 Real-time observation of fluctuations at the driven-dissipative Dicke phase transition
Brennecke, Ferdinand; Mottl, Rafael; Baumann, Kristian; Landig, Renate; Donner, Tobias; Esslinger, Tilman;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, 11763 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
74 Short-Range Quantum Magnetism of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice
Greif, Daniel; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 340, 1307 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
75 Cold atoms in cavity-generated dynamical optical potentials
Ritsch, Helmut; Domokos, Peter; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, 553 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
76 Superfluidity with disorder in a thin film of quantum gas
Krinner, Sebastian; Stadler, David; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 110, 100601 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
77 Double transfer through Dirac points in a tunable honeycomb optical lattice
Uehlinger, Thomas; Greif, Daniel; Jotzu, Gregor; Tarruell, Leticia; Esslinger, Tilman; Wang, Lei; Troyer, Matthias;
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 217, 121 (2013)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
78 Observing the drop of resistance in the flow of a superfluid Fermi gas
Stadler, David; Krinner, Sebastian; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 491, 736 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
79 Conduction of Ultracold Fermions Through a Mesoscopic Channel
Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Meineke, Jakob; Stadler, David; Krinner, Sebastian; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 337, 1069 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
80 Roton-Type Mode Softening in a Quantum Gas with Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions
Mottl, Rafael; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Baumann, Kristian; Landig, Renate; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 336, 1570 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
81 Interferometric measurement of local spin fluctuations in a quantum gas
Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Stadler, David; Müller, Torben; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature Physics, 8, 454 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
82 Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice
Tarruell, Leticia; Greif, Daniel; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jotzu, Gregor; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 483, 302 (2012)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
83 Exploring Symmetry Breaking at the Dicke Quantum Phase Transition
Baumann, Kristian; Mottl, Rafael; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 107, 140402 (2011)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
84 Probing Nearest-Neighbor Correlations of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice
Greif, Daniel; Tarruell, Leticia; Uehlinger, Thomas; Jördens, Robert; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 106, 145302 (2011)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
85 High-resolution imaging of ultracold fermions in microscopically tailored optical potentials
Zimmermann, Bruno; Müller, Torben; Meineke, Jakob; Esslinger, Tilman; Moritz, Henning;
New Journal of Physics, 13, 043007 (2011)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
86 Cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Rydberg-blocked atomic ensemble
Guerlin, Christine; Brion, Etienne; Esslinger, Tilman; Mølmer, Klaus;
Physical Review A, 82, 053832 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
87 Local Observation of Antibunching in a Trapped Fermi Gas
Mueller, Torben; Zimmermann, Bruno; Meineke, Jakob; Brantut, Jean-Philippe; Esslinger, Tilman; Moritz, Henning;
Physical Review Letters, 105, 040401 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
88 Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model
Sersarma, Rajdeep; Pekker, David; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene; Strohmaier, Niels; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Tarruell, Leticia; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
arXiv, , 1001.3881 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
89 Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model
Sensarma, Rajdeep; Pekker, David; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene; Strohmaier, Niels; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Tarruell, Leticia; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review B, 82, 224302 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
90 Fermi-Hubbard Physics with Atoms in an Optical Lattice
Esslinger, Tilman;
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 1, 129 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
91 Observation of Elastic Doublon Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model
Strohmaier, Niels; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Tarruell, Leticia; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman; Sensarma, Rajdeep; Pekker, David; Altman, Ehud; Demler, Eugene;
Physical Review Letters, 104, 080401 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
92 Quantitative Determination of Temperature in the Approach to Magnetic Order of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice
Jördens, R.; Tarruell, L.; Greif, D.; Uehlinger, T.; Strohmaier, N.; Moritz, H.; Esslinger, T.; De Leo, L.; Kollath, C.; Georges, A.; Scarola, V.; Pollet, L.; Burovski, E.; Kozik, E.; Troyer, M.;
Physical Review Letters, 104, 180401 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
93 Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity
Baumann, Kristian; Guerlin, Christine; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 464, 1301 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
94 Synthetic quantum many-body systems
Guerlin, Christine; Baumann, Kristian; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Greif, Daniel; Jördens, Robert; Leinss, Silvan; Strohmaier, Niels; Tarruell, Leticia; Uehlinger, Thomas; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
, , 212 (2010)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
95 Dynamical coupling between a Bose–Einstein condensate and a cavity optical lattice
Ritter, Stephan; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Guerlin, Christine; Baumann, Kristian; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Applied Physics B, 95, 213 (2009)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
96 A new phase for ytterbium atoms
Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physics, 31, (2009)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
97 A Mott insulator of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice
Jördens, Robert; Strohmaier, Niels; Günter, Kenneth; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 455, 204 (2008)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
98 Cavity Optomechanics with a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Ferdinand, Brennecke; Ritter, Stephan; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Esslinger, Tilman;
Science, 322, 235 (2008)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
99 Criticality and correlations in cold atomic gases
Köhl, Michael; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, Stephan; Bourdel, Thomas; Öttl, Anton; Brennecke, Ferdinand; Esslinger, Tilman;
Advances in Solid State Physics, 47, 79 (2008)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
100 Time interval distributions of atoms in atomic beams
Köhl, Michael; Öttl, Anton; Ritter, Stephan; Donner, Tobias; Bourdel, Thomas; Esslinger, Tilman;
Applied Physics B, 86, 391 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
101 Cavity QED with a Bose-Einstein condensate
Brennecke, Ferdinand; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, Stephan; Bourdel, Thomas; Koehl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 450, 268 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
102 Critical behavior of a trapped interacting Bose gas
Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, S.; Bourdel, T.; Oettl, A.; Koehl, M.; Esslinger, T.;
Science, 315, 1556 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
103 A lab in a trap
Moritz, H.; Stöferle, T.; Günter, K.; Köhl, M.; Esslinger, T.;
, , 463 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
104 Observing the formation of long-range order during Bose-Einstein condensation
Ritter, Stephan; Oettl, Anton; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Bourdel, Thomas; Koehl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 98, 090402 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
105 Interaction-controlled transport of an ultracold Fermi gas
Strohmaier, Niels; Takasu, Yosuke; Günter, Kenneth; Jördens, Robert; Köhl, Michael; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 99, 220601-1 (2007)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
106 Quantum physics
Esslinger, Tilman; Blatter, Gianni;
Nature, 441, 1053 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
107 Hybrid apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensation and cavity quantum electrodynamics
Öttl, Anton; Ritter, Stephan; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Review of Scientific Instruments, 77, 063118 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
108 Bose-Fermi Mixtures in a Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice
Günter, Kenneth; Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 96, 180402 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
109 Strongly interacting atoms and molecules in a 3D optical lattice
Köhl, Michael; Günter, Kenneth; Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Esslinger, Tilman;
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 39, S47 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
110 Cavity QED detection of interfering matter waves
Bourdel, T.; Donner, Tobias Ulrik; Ritter, S.; Ottl, A.; Köhl, M.; Esslinger, T.;
Physical Review A, 73, 043602 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
111 Fermionic atoms in an optical lattice
Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Europhysics News, 37, 18 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
112 Molecules of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice
Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Günter, Kenneth; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 96, 030401 (2006)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
113 Correlations and counting statistics of an atom laser
Öttl, Anton; Ritter, Stephan; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 95, 090404 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
114 Confinement induced molecules in a 1D Fermi gas
Henning, Moritz; Stöferle, Thilo; Günter, Kenneth; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 94, 210401 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
115 Fermionic Atoms in a Three Dimensional Optical Lattice: Observing Fermi Surfaces, Dynamics, and Interactions
Köhl, Michael; Moritz, Henning; Stöferle, Thilo; Günter, Kenneth; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 94, 080403 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
116 Superfluid to Mott insulator transition in one, two, and three dimensions
Köhl, Michael; Moritz, Henning; Stöferle, Thilo; Schori, Christian; Esslinger, Tilman;
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 138, 635 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
117 p-Wave interactions in low-dimensional fermionic gases
Günter, Kenneth; Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 95, 230401 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
118 Fermionic atoms with tunable interactions in a 3D optical lattice
Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Schori, Christian; Günter, Kenneth; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
, , 283 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
119 Observing the profile of an atom laser beam
Köhl, Michael; Busch, Th.; MØlmer, Klaus; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 72, 063618 (2005)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
120 Excitations of a superfluid in a three-dimensional optical lattice
Schori, Christian; Stöferle, Thilo; Henning, Moritz; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 93, 240402 (2004)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
121 1D Bose gases in an optical lattice
Köhl, M.; Stöferle, T.; Moritz, H.; Schori, S.; Esslinger, T.;
Applied Physics B, 79, 1009 (2004)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
122 Transition from a strongly interacting 1D superfluid to a Mott insulator
Stöferle, Thilo; Moritz, Henning; Schori, Christian; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 92, 130403 (2004)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
123 Atoms and molecules in lattices: Bose-Einstein condensates built on a shared vacuum
Esslinger, T.; Molmer, K.;
Physical Review Letters, 90, 160406 (2003)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
124 Line width of an atom laser
Kohl, M.; Hansch, T.W.; Esslinger, T.;
Applied Physics B, 76, 109 (2003)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
125 Exciting Collective Oscillations in a Trapped 1D Gas
Moritz, Henning; Stöferle, Thilo; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 91, 250402 (2003)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
126 Transverse mode of an atom laser
Busch, Thomas; Köhl, Michael; Esslinger, Tilman; Mølmer, Klaus;
Physical Review A, 65, 043615 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
127 Growth of Bose-Einstein Condensates from Thermal Vapor
Köhl, Michael; Davis, Matthew J.; Gardiner, Crispin W.; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 88, 080402 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
128 Continuous detection of an atom laser beam
Köhl, Michael; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 65, 021606 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
129 Quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott insulator in a gas of ultracold atoms
Greiner, Markus; Mandel, Olaf; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Bloch, Immanuel;
Nature, 415, 39 (2002)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
130 Bose–Einstein condensates in 1D- and 2D optical lattices
Greiner, Markus; Bloch, Immanuel; Mandel, Olaf; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Applied Physics B, 73, 769 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
131 Measuring the Temporal Coherence of an Atom Laser Beam
Köhl, Michael; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 87, 160404 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
132 Exploring Phase Coherence in a 2D Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Greiner, Markus; Bloch, Immanuel; Mandel, Olaf; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 87, 160405 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
133 Sympathetic cooling of 85Rb and 87Rb
Bloch, Immanuel; Greiner, Markus; Mandel, Olaf; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 64, 021402 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
134 Optics with an Atom Laser Beam
Bloch, Immanuel; Köhl, Michael; Greiner, Markus; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 87, 030401 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
135 Magnetic transport of trapped cold atoms over a large distance
Greiner, Markus; Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review A, 63, 031401 (2001)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
136 Measurement of the spatial coherence of a trapped Bose gas at the phase transition
Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Nature, 403, 166 (2000)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
137 Probing first-order spatial coherence of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Esslinger, Tilman; Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Journal of Modern Optics, 47, 2725 (2000)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
138 Atom Laser with a cw Output Coupler
Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Esslinger, Tilman;
Physical Review Letters, 82, 3008 (1999)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
139 Bose-Einstein condensation in a quadrupole-Ioffe-configuration trap
Esslinger, Tilman; Bloch, Immanuel; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review A, 58, R2664 (1998)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
140 Ramsey-Type Subrecoil Cooling
Sander, Frank; Devolder, Thibaut; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 78, 4023 (1997)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
141 All-optical gray lattice for atoms
Stecher, Herwig; Ritsch, Helmut; Zoller, Peter; Sander, Frank; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review A, 55, 545 (1997)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
142 Recurring dark states in Ramsey-type subrecoil cooling
Esslinger, Tilman; Sander, Frank; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Applied Physics B, 65, 701 (1997)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
143 Band Population Measurementsin aPurely Optical Dark Lattice
Sander, Frank; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Stecher, Herwig; Ritsch, Helmut;
, , 9611019 (1996)
Paper: 🔗 link, arXiv: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
144 Subrecoil Laser Cooling with Adiabatic Transfer
Esslinger, Tilman; Sander, Frank; Weidemüller, Matthias; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 76, 2432 (1996)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
145 Purely optical dark lattice
Esslinger, Tilman; Sander, Frank; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.; Ritsch, Helmut; Weidemüller, Matthias;
Optics Letters, 21, 991 (1996)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
146 Bragg Diffraction in an Atomic Lattice Bound by Light
Weidemüller, Matthias; Hemmerich, Andreas; Görlitz, Axel; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 75, 4583 (1995)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
147 Trapping Atoms in a Dark Optical Lattice
Hemmerich, Andreas; Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Zimmermann, Claus; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Physical Review Letters, 75, 37 (1995)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
148 A compact grating-stabilized diode laser system for atomic physics
Ricci, Leonardo; Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Hemmerich, Andreas; Zimmermann, Claus; Vuletić, Vladan; König, Wolfgang; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Optics Communications, 117, 541 (1995)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
149 A Novel Scheme for Efficient Cooling below the Photon Recoil Limit
Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Ol’shanii, Maxim A.; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Europhysics Letters, 27, 109 (1994)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
150 Surface-plasmon mirror for atoms
Esslinger, Tilman; Weidemüller, Matthias; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Optics Letters, 18, 450 (1993)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
151 Collective Atomic Dynamics in a Magneto-optical Trap
Hemmerich, Andreas; Weidemüller, Matthias; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Europhysics Letters, 21, 445 (1993)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
152 Imaging an atomic beam in two dimensions
Esslinger, Tilman; Hemmerich, Andreas; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Optics Communications, 93, 49 (1992)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
153 Elastic Scattering of Rubidium Atoms by Two Crossed Standing Waves
Hemmerich, Andreas; Schropp, Donald; Esslinger, Tilman; Hänsch, Theodor W.;
Europhysics Letters, 18, 391 (1992)
Paper: 🔗 link, ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link

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